An interdisciplinary international conference
Hosted by Academy in Exile at TU Dortmund University
Date: January 24 – 25, 2025
Location: Internationales Begegnungszentrum (IBZ)
TU Dortmund University
Emil-Figge-Straße 59
44227 Dortmund
The Afghan diaspora is not a homogenous entity. While the Afghan diaspora has spread globally and enriched societies worldwide, some members of the diaspora may still consider themselves to live in exile, retaining homes and close ties to their homeland. In Germany, specifically, the Afghan diaspora officially numbers 419,000 Afghans who are registered as resident aliens (ansässige Ausländer:innen). Afghans with dual citizenship are not included in this tally, nor are the second- and third-generation Afghan-Germans born in Germany. Those with unofficial “exile” standing, who hold temporary residence permits, student or researcher visas, or possess other forms of tenuous migration status, likewise may be considered part of the Afghan diaspora, albeit uncounted, less well recognized, and less readily heard. It is to these Afghan exiles who practice non-violence in their resistance to the Taliban, as well as to the growing Afghan diaspora, that the Afghans in Exile Conference wishes to give voice.
The conference program is available here.
The conference language is English.
Organizer: Dr. Frangis Dadfar Spanta, Academic Coordinator Afghanistan Program.
Registration required: