Hilal Alkan, Ayse Dayi, Sezin Topçu and Betül Yara (eds.), The Politics of the Female Body in Contemporary Turkey, Bloomsbury Publishing, 2021

Available here.


In Turkey, the Justice and Development Party government has introduced new regulations about reproductive rights, and shifted family and gender policies. Women’s central role in reproductive and domestic work was swiftly reaffirmed, and abortion and IVF were newly debated. Taking Turkey as … more info

New publication by AiE council member Volker M. Heins: “Offene Grenzen für alle: Eine notwendige Utopie”, Hamburg: Hoffmann und Campe Verlag, 2021

Available here. Abstract Offene Grenzen – keine Forderung könnte der aktuellen politischen Stimmung mehr widersprechen. Dieses Buch zeigt: Eine Welt mit offenen Grenzen ist nicht nur möglich – sondern sogar dringend notwendig. Volker Heins zeigt, dass Mauern und Abschottung kein Garant für Wohlstand und Sicherheit … more info

Michael Ochsner, Ivett Szalma, and Judit Takács. “Division of Labour, Work–Life Conflict and Family Policy: Conclusions and Reflections.” Social Inclusion, Vol. 8, No. 4 (2020), pp. 103–109.

Abstract   This thematic issue aims to shed light on different facets of the relationship between division of labour within families and couples, work–life conflict and family policy. In this afterword, we provide a summary of the contributions by emphasizing three main aspects in need of … more info

Ivett Szalma, Michael Ochsner, and Judit Takács. “Linking Labour Division within Families, Work–Life Conflict and Family Policy.” Social Inclusion, Vol. 8, No. 4 (2020), pp. 1–7

Abstract   This thematic issue aims to shed light on the various ways of linking division of labour within families, work–life conflict and family policy in Europe. This editorial briefly introduces key concepts and provides a general overview of the published articles. Keywords  division of labour; care … more info

Ayse Dayi: “Neoliberal Health Restructuring, Neoconservatism and the Limits of Law: Erosion of Reproductive Rights in Turkey”, Health and Human Rights Journal, December 2019.

Available with open access here. Abstract Through focusing on the neoliberal “Health Transformation Programme” launched in 2003 in Turkey, I show how reproductive law can be modified by neoliberal mechanisms that are implemented with neoconservative policies and pressures. The paper builds on original data collected … more info