Vanessa Agnew (ed.): What We Brought with Us: Things of Exile and Migration, Bielefeld: transcript Verlag, 2024

What We Brought with Us: Things of Exile and Migration

In exile and migration, the things that forcibly displaced people take with them become mobile testimonies of defiance, mourning, creativity, and rejuvenation. Through a series of scholarly essays and autobiographical vignettes, this richly illustrated volume draws on such observations to examine the meanings that possessions assume when they are wrenched from their original contexts. The contributors to this collection shine an intimate spotlight on those who are driven from their homes by conflict and forced into exile by authoritarian regimes. In so doing, the contributors underscore the necessity for civil societies to support academic freedom and the work done by critical thinkers worldwide.

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Editor: Vanessa Agnew
Publisher: transcript Verlag
Language: English
Number of Pages: 192
Release Date: 03.09.2024
ISBN: 978-3-8394-7116-6