lnternational Conference
January 16-17, 2020
Freie Universität Berlin
Dire Times: Critical Thinking, Then and Now, co-convened by Vanessa Agnew (UDE/ANU), Kader Konuk (UDE) and Susanne Zepp-Zwirner (FU Berlin). The gathering of invited speakers met at the Freie Universität in Berlin on January 16–17, 2020. Among our speakers were people working on the front lines in the struggle to promote critical thinking, foster a public sphere, and support scholars at risk around the world. The conference showcased the work of AiE fellows and included a theatrical performance by the Gorki Theatre Berlin.
Keynote Lecture by Nishant Shahm
Vice President of Research at ArtEZ University of the Arts, The Netherlands
“When We Can’t Speak, We Shall Sing: Finding Voice in the Age of Information Overload”
Access the video on YouTube here.

Freudenberg Foundation’s report on AiE’s conference, “Dire Times: Critical Thinking Then and Now” can be found here.